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Bend with Baby

An online course for the expecting parent - helping you feel prepared during each trimester for a healthy, mobile, strong and mindful pregnancy!

my objective - for you to trust the wisdom of your body.

As always, I want to empower you with the right information, the tools and the resources for you to add to your toolbox - so you can trust your inner wisdom!

To set you up for a healthy pregnancy + confidence in labour however you birth your babe.

Bend with Baby Mama's Say -

I joined Jennalea’s BWB because she is an incredible yoga teacher. I used to go to her classes all the time when I lived in Melbourne. I wanted to continue this throughout my pregnancy. When I heard about BWB I didn’t even hesitate to join, I wanted to take all the yoga goodness. The BWB journey has been incredible, not only have I learnt what my body can do in yoga, but I have benefitted from the nutritional advice, pregnancy advice & guidelines from Jennalea. I would tell any mama to be, in any stage to join the next one! 

- Roxanne W - SYD

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