Hi, I’m jennalea.
I'm a degree-qualified clinical nutritionist.
My most important role is Mama to Ollie - my beautiful blue - eyed, spirulina - eating son and my sweet yet savage fire-cracker daughter, Sylvie Rose!
I'm also a kettle-bell swinging - yogi. My love and curiosity for breathwork has taken me down to the depths of the ocean (free-diving) and held me in a tub of ice for over 5 minutes. I am curious of the tools for longevity but prefer facts over fads.
I am an advocate for dark chocolate and a smoothie enthusiast. I have been working with clients since 2017 and teachng Yoga since 2013. Why: because I love to connect with people and empower them to live large and live healthily!!
As a mum myself, I know it takes A LOT to stay motivated, inspired, organised and consistent. I love supporting mums to prioritise themselves. I truly believe healthy mothers create healthy babes. That, and mums are the bloody best and deserve the best!!!!
I survived hyperemesis twice, had an emergency c-section followed by a VBAC. A “failed” breastfeeding journey followed by a successful 2y one. I have so much to share and teach women at all stages of their fertility and motherhood journeys.
I’m so glad you’re here x
book a consult now.